
    About KV

    PM SHRI KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, MUZAFFARPUR is a registered society under Society registration Act 1860 as an autonomous organization under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India, in October 1986. This vidyalaya is situated in Gannipur, Muzaffarpur which is about half kilometre in West direction from Aghoria Bazar. It is well connected with Rail and Road. It is about 5 KMs in South of Muzaffarpur Railway Station and 6 KMs in South of Imlichatti, Govt. Bus Stand. It is 11 KMs in South from Private Bus Stand, Bariya and about 10 KMs in South from Zero Mile Golambar. From Ramdayalu Over Bridge it is 5 KMs in North. You can reach to PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Muzaffarpur by auto rickshaw from Muzaffarpur Railway Station, Govt. Bus Stand Imlichatti, Private Bus Stand Bariya, Zero Mile Golambar and Ramdayalu Over Bridge.

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Muzaffarpur runs in two shifts. In both shifts Class I to Class XII teaching is done. From the time of its establishment this vidyalaya is performing very well in the field of school education as well in co-curricular activities and is committed to produce quality education through academic excellence and overall development of the student by various curricular and co-curricular activities.