PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Muzaffarpur is spread over two buildings. In the Primary Block, classes from the First to the Fifth grade, as well as Balvatika-I, Balvatika-II, and Balvatika-III, are conducted. In addition to these classes, this block has a staff room for teachers, a principal’s room, a CMP room, a computer laboratory, a digital language lab, and a resource room. All laboratories are equipped with computers and internet facilities. The main building of the school has a principal’s room, a vice-principal’s room, and an office for administrative work, along with various laboratories, an examination department, a library, and rooms for sports, art, and work experience, as well as a staff room. The main building has two blocks for conducting classes, Block ‘A’ and Block ‘B.’ All classrooms are constructed in compliance with the standards set by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. The school building has been designed with disaster management in mind. |
02. | BALA INITIATIVES | Under this initiative, the external and internal walls, stairs, and roofs of the school building are used as supportive materials in the learning process. Various types of learning materials are written or created on different parts of the school building with the help of art teachers, art instructors, students, and other teachers, which are sometimes engraved for a level and sometimes permanently. The BALA initiative has also been implemented in Kendriya Vidyalaya Muzaffarpur. |